I love the vision of this course and hope many people benefit from it.
- Joshua Harris
Author of the seminal 1997 book “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” and current advocate for post-purity culture healing

What is all the buzz about?
An 8 week post-evangelical dating group & virtual community of women+++ who seek growth and learning in a fun, supportive, dynamic environment.

Weekly Workshop & Seminar
We meet every Sunday* (8-10 am PST, 11-1 pm EST) for a workshop & seminar, led by Adriana Reagh and Alexandra Moore

Weekly LIVE Support Groups
Weekly LIVE support groups* with various times & focuses available, with facilitators from diverse backgrounds, relationship experience, and faith journeys

Private FB Group
A FB group community for all participants will be created and curated to support the growth journey.
*All calls will be on a FB group LIVE, unless otherwise specified.

Is this for me?

You want to feel grounded when dating, but you're having a hard time not letting past patterns cloud your judgement or enjoyment of dating
You aren’t sure how to enjoy dating just for the sake of dating and have found yourself wondering if dating and relationships could be easier, more fun
You feel shame or have a hard time enjoying your sexuality, or are afraid to explore your sensuality to the fullest extent that you crave
You have a hard time expressing your needs, setting boundaries, and walking away from an unhealthy situation
You’re tired of not feeling understood when dating people raised outside of purity culture
You want to heal from limiting gender roles in your post-evangelical dating but not sure how
You are not sure how to integrate your faith journey into your dating aspirations and practices
You don’t know how to look for a partner who aligns with your current values and desire for growth outside of authoritarian ways of dating
You are community-oriented, enjoy learning in a shared space, and are a supportive, non-judgmental person of people’s many journeys to healing, growth, and enjoyment

What will I learn?
Over the course of 8 weeks, you will:
Discover how to date and create intimacy safely, dynamically, and in alignment with your ideal vision for your life.
Learn how to identify patterns that are remnants of purity culture, and how to choose to walk away from dating rules, conventions, and ideas that no longer serve you.
Learn how to name and say “yes” to your deepest desires and how to say “no” when something is not right for you.
Build confidence in self-expression in your dating life through radical self-acceptance
Discover the joy of dating for the sake of dating, while also pursuing what you are looking for in your life
Release sexual shame to embrace sensuality and freedom in every aspect of your life
Let go of “good girl” patterns so you can explore without guilt, express yourself freely, and pursue your wildest dreams
Understand the elements of dating safely, setting boundaries, and choosing your dating practices wisely

Who is this for?
If you feel stuck in old dating patterns and shame from not knowing how to get over certain challenges in dating.
If you feel shy and uncertain and want to feel confident in your dating life.
If you want to explore your sensuality or sexuality and are unsure how to do so safely and in a way that is in line with your values.
If you are confused about secular dating practices and would benefit from having a caring community to express and explore your questions.
If you want to find more joy in your dating life, be able to recover from disappointment more easily, and become clear on how to pursue what you want, this program was birthed with love and care for you.

Who are we?
Alexandra & Adriana met 9 years ago through an apostate community for survivors of the fundamentalist homeschooling program, Advanced Training Institute by IBLP (as seen on Amazon Prime’s Documentary, “Shiny Happy People”).
Cheerleaders of each other’s healing journey from afar, their virtual friendship has always contained the desire to build something from their shared values in free expression of oneself, open vulnerability, and healing through connection.

About Adriana
Adriana grew up in a Quiverfull family of 14 kids in rural Oklahoma on a small farm in the 90s, with major cult influences such as Bill Gothard, the Pearls, Vision Forum, and others. When she was 19, she escaped for the first time and soon had to navigate the shame of an unplanned pregnancy and returning to the family farm a fallen woman. Life and love took her to Texas in 2003, where she dutifully followed her husband in joining a church with many of the same cult influences. She tried to follow their blueprint of a good wife and homeschool mom, and it nearly killed her. It took 17 years, a mental breakdown, her own infidelity, and the implosion of her marriage to get free again.
In 2019, led by her own intuitive knowing, Adriana discovered a self-pleasure and embodiment practice that unlocked her own unique magic. Suddenly confident, authentic, and free, her practice became her salvation. In 2022, with her divorce finalized, Adriana embarked on her solo journey as an autonomous human, single mom, dreamer, and mystic. The call of her heart has always been to help other women unlock their magic, to tap into the incredible healing and PLEASURE that’s possible through embodiment and sex magic. This course is the real-life manifestation of that dream.
About Alexandra
Alexandra is a Canadian entrepreneur who ran her first businesses with her female ex-partner of 14 years. She is an openly bisexual advocate and activist for the LGBTQ+ community, including holding positions of leadership within her Christian alma mater’s gay & straight alliance alumni community. She was a pivotal voice and organizer of the media support behind the LGBTQ+ community during the Canadian Supreme Court case that ultimately led to the dismantling of homophobic exclusions in Trinity Western University’s community standards.
She is neurodiverse and a longtime practitioner of various modalities of trauma healing. Her Ph.D. studies were on the presentation of the traumatized body and mind in Renaissance literature. She is the CEO of a digital agency, which provides strategic, data-driven support to Small & Medium-Sized businesses. She holds a particular passion for supporting entrepreneurs from minority communities and loves finding ways to help her clients embrace their full potential in the way they grow their businesses.
In 1999, she led her high school youth group through Joshua Harris’ seminal book on purity culture, “I Kissed Dating Goodbye.” Now, an agnostic with a dynamic spiritual side, she loves to date, and she is excited to begin this online community to lead a group where dating freely and authentically can be explored.

What it includes:
Week One
Our Story - Empowering Healing Through Re-Writing Your Dating Journey
Workshop: Sunday, October 8, 2023 11 am - 1 pm EST
How to break free of the narratives of our upbringing by owning the power of our story
Unlearning Purity Culture to Embrace New Truths for Your Dating Story:
You are the author of your story
The damage can be undone and breaking patterns is possible
You are free from that which has held you back, kept you stuck
Your identity is distinct and whole, as you are
The conversation will include guidance on:
Reimagining your dating journey to set the stage for transformation
Understanding the value of dating as a way to change our story
Attachment styles and the empowerment of self-acceptance on the path to secure attachment
Vulnerability & boundaries - the balance between sharing openly, and choosing to maintain a self of self through containment of story
Weekly Support Group Session: Practicing sharing our story in a dating context
What you will explore:
Past, present, future: owning YOUR story
Dating profile app set-up, how to feel comfortable expressing your truest self
The first date: how to share & ask about histories
How to create a narrative of freedom based on what you have released from your past

Week Two
Our Dreams - creating a vision for relational bliss
Workshop: Sunday, October 15, 2023 11 am - 1 pm EST
How to rediscover and claim our truest desires
Unlearning Purity Culture to Embrace New Truths for Your Dating Dreams:
You can define your dreams in a way that is not dependent upon others’ expectations
Your dream for your life can be whole, for yourself, and not requiring a partner to be fulfilled
Your life can be aspirational beyond the confines of your upbringing’s definition for women
Your dream partnership does not require your subservience
What you will learn:
How to let go of fear so you can embrace your ideal dating life
How to name and ask for what you want with confidence
How to identify the type and qualities of person who would be a good match to your relational desires
Visualizing the ways in which these qualities might be expressed to “test” out dating dreams
How to walk away when the situation is not in alignment with your truest dreams
Weekly Support Group Session: Practicing naming our desires in a dating context
What you will explore:
Honoring your past hurts so you can open yourself up to your truest desires
Creating a vision of your ideal relational life
Naming your boundaries, your limits, and what you are no longer available for
Week Three
Our Goals - Planning for Growth in Your Dating Life
Workshop: Sunday, October 22, 2023 11 am - 1 pm EST
*Please note: Alexandra will be in Nairobi, Kenya for a business trip and may not be able to be in attendance.
How to identify realistic & aspirational goals for a journey of growth & intimacy
Unlearning Purity Culture to Embrace New Truths for Your Dating Goals:
You are free to pursue what you desire
You are capable of moving towards your dreams
You are steadily unfolding into the best version of you
You can try new things, and discover new ways of being
What You Will Discover:
How to seek out the growth that is right for you, at the right time
How to be honest with yourself about your shadow, your mistakes, and your incredible capacity for growth and transformation
Defining what steps you need to take to be ready for the experience of intimacy beyond your wildest dreams
Weekly Support Group Session: Honoring our process by naming where we are and where we want to be
What you will explore:
Uncovering your past experiences to create goals for growth
Shadow work: embracing what your “mistakes” say about your potential and who you are capable of becoming
Breaking down next steps for learning in relationship
Week Four
Our Lives - Creating Space for our Goals to be Realized
Workshop: Sunday, October 29, 2023 11 am - 1 pm EST
How to create space for the dating life of your dreams
Unlearning to embrace new truths:
You can release that which no longer serves you
You can create a life that is worth living
Your body is your sacred space
You can shed patterns and beliefs that are not right for you
What you will learn:
The art of self-care and sensuality so you feel confident while you date
Reconsidering the structure of your daily life to be able to date with ease
Releasing the elements of life that has created unwanted patterns
Releasing theological beliefs about dating that no longer serve you
Weekly Support Group Session: Discovering the cornerstones of your best life and letting go of the pieces that are holding you back
What you will explore:
Defining what patterns have created stuckness in the past that are ready to be released
Defining what you no longer believe about dating, and deciding how to let that go
​Week Five
Our Safety - Claiming Your “No” So You Can Embrace Your “Yes”
Workshop: Sunday, November 5, 2023 11 am - 1 pm EST
How to create safety in every area of life and cultivate enjoyable dating experiences
Unlearning to embrace new truths:
Your body is your own
You can have autonomy & agency over every aspect of your life
You do not have to (ever) say yes
Your emotions are your guide and show you what you need
What you will learn:
Best safety practices for dating
Understanding and minimizing sexual health risks from a sex-positive perspective
Defining (and reclaiming) your boundaries for you and what to do when your boundaries have been crossed
Owning your need for emotional safety while dating
How to cultivate safety so you can maximize your pleasure
Healing from trauma while dating, and how to ask for the support you need
Weekly Support Group Session: Honoring our process by naming where we are and where we want to be
What you will explore:
Defining safety for yourself, and determining what safe practices you want to bring into your dating life.
​Week Six
Our Choice - Defining What is Right for You
Workshop: Sunday, November 12, 2023 11 am - 1 pm EST
Unlearning to embrace new truths:
You can date whoever you want to date
You can date however you want to date
You can enjoy your life as you wish
You can choose what you want for your body
You can walk away
You can trust yourself
What you will learn:
How to create your non-negotiables for dating (and stand up for them)
Believing that we can choose our dream life, and letting go of the shame of not doing what is expected of us
Learning to trust yourself, and to choose yourself
What it means to empower yourself to make choices for your body
Walking away from any definition of dating than that which works for you
Weekly Support Group Session: Letting go of that which is not meant for us
What you will explore:
Discover who and how you want to date, and define your signs that things are right for you
Defining what it means to choose yourself
Embodiment and being fully present and in the moment
​Week Seven
Our Freedom - Defining Our Life on Our Terms
Workshop: Sunday November 19, 2023 11 am - 1 pm EST
Unlearning to embrace new truths:
I am free
I choose how to live my life
I decide when to stay and when to go
I create a sense of agency within myself
I define when and how and who to forgive
I define what freedom means to me
What you will learn:
Understanding the balance between freedom and safety to avoid self-sabotage
How to cultivate a sense of agency within yourself to pursue dating on your own terms
Finding freedom through choosing when (and when not) to forgive
How to explore and express your innate sexual freedom
How to curate a dating life that feels like endless expansion
Weekly Support Group Session: More info coming soon...
Learning how to enjoy how far you’ve come
Learning to cultivate and enjoy your freedoms
Finding your voice in your sexuality
What you will explore:
Learning how to surrender into enjoying intimacy through valuing your freedom to choose
​Week Eight
Our Power
Workshop: Sunday December 3, 2023 11 am - 1 pm EST
Unlearning to embrace new truths:
I am powerful and know how to enjoy my power
I speak my truth, freely and openly
I get to redefine my femininity to whatever extent serves me
I am a force that can help set others free
What you will learn:
Exploring the power of the feminine in a post-evangelical context
Power dynamics in relationships, and how to enjoy them & stand in your power
The extent to which we are free is the extent to which our responsibility to freeing others grows
How to embrace growing & changing in cycles, while standing in your power
Unearthing and deconstructing the idea of non-linear relationships as “failure”
Weekly Support Group Session: More info coming soon...
Celebrating and owning your journey to freedom so you can own your power without shame, guilt, and self-sabotage
What you will explore:
Showing up as the most authentic version of ourselves and centering our experience in dating
A note from Adriana & Alexandra
More than anything, we are seeking to hold space for the conversation of how to process, heal and grow through the dating culture of evangelical Christianity. We are here to shed old beliefs and honor what we have lost and gained in the process of becoming who we truly are.
We feel so incredibly honored to create a community of women+++ who crave more agency in the way they date, have sex, create relationships and build a sense of family that is based on belonging, trust, and safety.
We are not gurus or experts. We are survivors. We are seekers of truth and freedom. We have lived stories beyond what we ever thought possible.
This is what we have learned along the way. And what we are still learning, to this day. We welcome you to join the conversation.
Come learn along with us and discover your freedom, however you choose to date!
Proposed Additional Conversations (Date & Expert Facilitators TBD):
Racism and Purity Culture
How to recognize the history of racism within Christian evangelical purity culture so you can be actively anti-racist in your dating and relationship life
Neurodiversity and Dating
How to understand the impact of neurodiversity on dating patterns, and how to create dating dynamics that support your unique self!
LGBTQIA+ and Purity Culture
Healing from the narrow-mindedness of purity culture and dating with a sense of freedom and ownership of who you really are.
Sex Magic
How to build a sensual relationship with yourself to enjoy dating and intimacy at a whole new level
…and more!!
This course is NOT for you if:
You are looking for a course that will guarantee that you will find your dream relationship in 6 easy steps
You are looking for an inexpensive substitute for therapy
You are not in the space or ready to open yourself up to change
You don’t enjoy a group learning environment
You are looking for a soapbox on what you believe is the “right” way to date
This course is for you if:
You are ready for a transformative experience that completely changes your perspective on dating
You are in the process of deconstructing your upbringing and determining what is right for you
You are looking for tools to enjoy dating while staying true to your values and vision for your life
You are curious about areas of growth that can make you a healthier person to date

If this sounds like you…
Get ready to transform your relatonship with dating by transforming your relationship with yourself!
Because this is the first time we are running this course, and we want to be sure to offer exceptional value, we are offering it for the lowest price it will ever be:
May be broken down into 4 equal payments, with a 10% fee added to the first payment to cover our additional processing & administration costs. Please contact us to arrange a split payment.

What if I need to miss a session? Will there be a replay?The weekly Sunday workshops and bonus sessions will be recorded and made available to our community for replay. The support groups will not be recorded, for privacy reasons.
What are your political & religious positions?We are pro-choice, anti-racist, feminist, queer-affirming, gender-affirming, sex & body positive, pro-union, etc. etc. etc. Neither Alexandra nor Adriana are practicing Christians at this point in time and, instead, engage in a range of spiritual practices. At the same time, we value difference of experience and the way that our stories shape the way we see the world. Provided you can recognize and acknowledge the stories of harm within evangelical communities, as well as communicate your story with compassion and participate without judgment, you are welcome to bring your diverse perspective and self to our community.
I’m married or in a long-term relationship. Can I be a part of the community?Absolutely! We are also looking for mentors who are in long-term relationships, so if you’d like to support women in the form of weekly discussion facilitation, please reach out.
Do you offer scholarships?Yes, although we ask for administrative support in return. If you’d be interested in an exchange of services in lieu of payment, please e-mail us for more information.
Do you offer a guarantee?Yes. Please ensure that you are open and committed to the process at the time of signing up, but if before the start of the second session, you do not wish to continue for any reason, we will refund the remainder of the cost, prorated minus a 20% processing & administration fee.
Shouldn’t this sort of thing be free?We are healing from a systemic approach to female labor which devalued the financial agency of women showing up in service to their community and believe in fair and equitable compensation for time and emotional labor. If you would like to trade your time for a spot in the community, please reach out to us, as we have a need for administrative and other support. We have a scholarship program, with 10% of all signup funds going towards providing access to those in need. Please reach out to us for more information.
Who is welcome?ALL women and nonbinary people regardless of sexuality, race, relationship status/history/type,
I was not raised in Christian purity culture but this program seems like precisely the right fit for me. Can I join?Absolutely! Please note that we will be sharing with this perspective in mind, and while your unique experience is most welcome, the dialogue will be cantering and prioritizing the particular challenges that come from an evangelical perspective and upbringing.